Annual Membership
Costs £58.00
Payment can be made in, up to, three equal installments over the first three months of the Society year.
The Society’s financial year runs from 1st April to the 31st March annually
Example: -1 x £58, 2 x £29 or 3 x £19.34
Juniors & Seniors[1] receive a 25% discount on the annual membership fee. Junior & Senior Membership is therefore £43.50. This can be paid in 2 instalments of £15 and a third of £13.50 if you wish.
New members joining part way through the society year will pay annual fees at a pro-rata basis (e.g. 6 months = £29.00)
For NEW Members the Membership Form can be downloaded HERE
Then sent to the Membership Secretary
Weekly Subscription (Including refreshments)
Full Members pay £2.00 per week on the night.
Prospective members can attend on a weekly basis with your first week FREE and then by paying £2.00 above the rate of a full member for a maximum of 2 meetings. (This does not apply to e-members or ex-members)[2]
The above charges are due at every attended meeting, (Unless otherwise announced by a committee member at the meeting).
They also apply when images are submitted in to any club competition regardless of being present or not.
Updated by MET on 1/7/2022
[1] See Constitution for details of terms Junior & Senior
[2] For additional information speak to committee members.