Author Archive
The Nottingham Outlaws Photographic Society invite you to a lecture by Nicola Davidson Reed – Not alone but allone
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024Great news! There’s a wonderful exhibition on display at the Park House Medical Centre by the Nottingham Outlaws Photographic Society.
Thursday, February 22nd, 2024Here are the key details:
(more…)Meet the Outlaws Gibbo
Saturday, February 3rd, 2024In the 80’s I carried out studio work for a marketing company which began my interest. In the 90’s I became Digital Print Manager for a company and even though I was working abroad I was travelling around a lot and did not have time to carry on with my photography. I met my wife in 2006 and her (adult) son was very interested in photography and this sparked my interest again having someone to talk to about equipment etc. I then purchased my first Nikon, a D300 digital camera. Due to health confines I only used my camera infrequently. I then purchased by Sony AR74 in 2022 and following a chance meeting with Nick Pearce at Langar airfield (both of us taking photographs), this spurred me on to join the Outlaws in 2023.
(more…)Meet the OUTLAW – Reg Patterson
Friday, October 13th, 2023Hi, Reg here.
I have had an interest in photography from adolescence and always liked to take along one of those tiny single use cameras on holidays with friends; that I had to send away to get my prints.
(more…)Outlaw Members Do Well in N&EMPF Annual Exhibition 2023
Sunday, November 6th, 2022
All the Outlaws would like to congratulate the following members for their success in N&EMPF Annual Exhibition 2023
(more…)Papplewick Ponds
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021Opposite Papplewick Pumping Station there is a small area of pools called Papplewick ponds. Several NOPS members had a socially distanced meeting to explore this area. The pond has a lot of wildlife and is surrounded by reeds, silver birch trees and gorse bushes. The evening finished with a lovely sunset behind the pond.
(more…)May Open PDI Competition
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021On 27th May we held our third open PDI competition via Zoom and we welcomed Les Loosemore as our judge for the evening.
(more…)April 2021 PDI Themed Competition Results
Monday, May 10th, 202129th April saw the first of our combined theme and open PDI competitions as we make our way back to post-Covid normality. Our judge for the evening was Steve Walters and he did a great job, bringing some interesting and very constructive comments to the task.
(more…)April 2021 PDI Open Competition Results
Monday, May 10th, 202129th April saw the first of our combined theme and open PDI competitions as we make our way back to post-Covid normality. Our judge for the evening was Steve Walters and he did a great job, bringing some interesting and very constructive comments to the task.
(more…)Ploughman Wood
Tuesday, April 27th, 2021Many of NOPS Outlaws members have been recently exploring a local ancient woodland. Ploughman Wood is situated near the village of Lambley. It is owned and managed by Notts Wildlife Trust. The wood dates back to the 13th century.