April 2021 PDI Open Competition Results

29th April saw the first of our combined theme and open PDI competitions as we make our way back to post-Covid normality. Our judge for the evening was Steve Walters and he did a great job, bringing some interesting and very constructive comments to the task.

There were 46 entries, half in theme and half in the open category.

In the Open section 17s were scored by Malcolm Nabarro and Sue Jackson. Lester Woodward scored 18 for Inlay Fisherman, as did Jack Worsnop for Renaissance Man and Tim Penhale for Royal Photographers. Lois Webb scored 19 for Savouring the Flavour and Mark Taylor scored 19 for Baby Giraffe at its Most Vulnerable. The winner of the Open was Lester Woodward with 20 for The Transaction.

A great bunch of entries and thank you to everyone who entered.

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