Outlaw Members Do Well in N&EMPF Annual Exhibition 2023
All the Outlaws would like to congratulate the following members for their success in N&EMPF Annual Exhibition 2023
In the Digital Monochrome Class, Lester Woodward was awarded a Selector’s Award for “Legs and Pearls” which was chosen by Sally Sallett ARPS CPAGB AFIAP BPE3
In Print Monochrome Class his image “Sitting Mantis” was Commended.
He also had the following Acceptances into this year’s exhibition “Dancing My Cares Away”, “Upstanding Canoeist”,“Just Think Triangles”, “Ganga Aarti Ceremony”, “Lost In Dance”
Also In the Digital Monochrome Class, Chris Houldsworth was awarded a Selector’s Award for “Waiting For The Train” which was chosen by Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP PPSA
In the Print Colour Class, Lois Webb CPAGB image “Ceci N’est Pas Un Rene Magritte” was Commended.
She also had the following Acceptances into this year’s exhibition “Drifting Wrecks”, “Escapism”
Ray Andrews also had the following Acceptances into this year’s exhibition “San Quirico Farmhouse Dawn”, “Big Bird Murmuration”
Andy Mcdonald also had the following Acceptance into this year’s exhibition “Six”
The NEMPF Exhibition results are now published and can be seen by following this link https://photoexhib.com/photoexhib/nempf/results-2023/results.htm