Outlaws announce David Keep workshop open to the public

The Nottingham Outlaws Photographic Society are hosting David Keep who will be presenting his “How to Create Competition Winning Images” full day workshop on Saturday 23rd May 2020 at the NOPS clubroom in the Richard Herrod Centre (Foxhill Rd, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1RL).
This event runs from 10am until 4pm and is open to the public as well as members, the Cost for the day is £40 per person. Tea and coffee will be provided but you will need to bring a packed lunch. Click full story for more information.
More details of the event can be found by clicking HERE for a short YouTube video explaining what to expect, or HERE for another YouTube video giving a workshop Overview.
Information taken directly from David Keep’s website detailing the event:
What you’ll learn:
How to select impactful subject matter and what features images with impact possess
Essential shoot planning techniques to ensure success
How to use Lightroom to quickly sort through 1000s of images to get to the ‘keepers’
Which Lightroom adjustments to make before moving to Photoshop
My Photoshop workflow, plus how and when I use plug-ins like Nik and the TK Action Panel
When and how much to sharpen to ensure optimal output for PDIs and prints
How to ensure perfect prints every time by calibrating your monitor, using paper print profiles, essential Lightroom print settings and selecting the correct paper
What you’ll get:
What to expect:
My workflow makes extensive use of Lightroom and Photoshop (I use the Creative Cloud version of both programs) and I’ll be demonstrating detailed workups using both, so a basic knowledge of Photoshop and an open-mind to Lightroom would be an advantage. The format of the day will be a mixture of live Photoshop demos coupled with a PowerPoint presentation. The environment will be relaxed because anything you can’t quite follow on the day is repeated on the USB stick. Just bring a pen and paper, there will be no hands-on computer work.
If you would like to register for this workshop or have any further questions please contact Sue Jackson, the Outlaws Programme Secretary via email using sue_jackson2@hotmail.com