February’s internal NOPS competition report

After last months members choice competition, the first contest contributing to 2020’s Outlaw of the year award took place on Thursday. A strong collecting of DPI images ensured a great start to the campaign and say six images in total receiving the full 20 mark score. Internal competition secretary John Young presents his report…
We held our first 2020 DPI Outlaw of the Year competition on 27 February with a Mainly Purple theme and the usual open section.
In the open section Sue Jackson, Jack Worsnop, Patrick Wallis and Lois Webb all had an image that scored 17 and Nick Pearce had two scores of 17.
Scores of 18 were awarded to John Young and Patrick Wallis whilst Ray Andrews had two scores of 18. Lois webb scored 19 for her Sunrise at Thomas a Becket Church as did Mark Taylor for his The Lone Swiss Guard and Sue Jackson for her Greylag Goose in Flight.
Three images scored 20; Malcolm Nabarro with Sun Going Down Around Six, Mike Ray-Jones with Snipe in Flight and the section winner Jack Worsnop with Anchor.
In the themed section scores of 17 went to Nigel Stewart, Lester Woodward, Lois Webb and Mark Steele.
A score of 18 went to Mike Ray-Jones and Tabby and Jack Worsnop scored 19 for Morris Man.
Once again three images scored 20; Sue Jackson with Echinops with Visitor, Patrick Wallis with Mainly Purple and the winning image was Lester Woodward with Tann Marie.