Nottingham Outlaws competition report for November
Thursday evening saw the final DPI competition of the year, the penultimate competition contributing toward the Outlaw of the Year trophy. Internal competition secretary John Young records the evenings highlights…
We held the last PDI monthly competition of the year on 31st
October and were delighted to welcome the return of Phil Howcroft as our judge.
The PDI Outlaw of the year is Lois. Congratulations Lois and thanks go to you and all
entrants from this year for showing us some great images.
There were 26 Open section entries and the judge held ten back for a second viewing. Scores of 17
were awarded to Christine Sweeney, Tom Cross, William Wooley and Sue Jackson.
Sue had two images scoring 17. A score of 18 went to Lois Webb for both Slime
Party and The Rail Enthusiast and his Two Camera Set-up. Jack Worsnop scored 18
for Treadwell Mine. William Woolley scored two nineteens for Fly on the Work Bench
and Trent Building. Malcolm Nabarro won with 20 for Railway Station Steps.
There were 24 entries to this month’s theme ‘Disappearing Technologies’. 11
images were held back. Tom Cross and John Young scored 17. Scores of 18 went to
Lois web for Cash, Sue Jackson for The Old Tailor’s Workshop and Lester
Woodward for Red Dyer. Jack Worsnop got 19 for his Public Telephone. There were
two scores of 20. The first to William Woolley for Old Machines and the winning
image was Light Show by Chris Houldsworth. Congratulations and thank you to
everyone who entered.