Latest NOPS internal print competition report
With the competition secretary off this week getting a little bit of early sunshine, Lester Woodward took over proceedings for March’s busy internal print competition with an open and a reflection themed section…
This Thursday saw the opening print round in the Outlaw of the year competition, which saw a very full and well contested event in both the theme and open sections.
Peter Yeo was our excellent judge, who had to work really hard to judge and comment on so many excellent images. There were 36 images in the open and a massive 42 in the theme of reflections.
In both sections there were a large number of unheld scores of 17 (10 in the open and 11 in the theme) which were genuinely of a high quality.
The held images were excellent and reflects on an improvement in quality competition images from across the membership.
In the Open, scores of 18 went to Lois for Original Anarchist, Lester for Man Vs The City, Tom for Village in the Snow and Patrick for Kingfisher.
19 went to Jack for both Outdoor Knitting and Moeraki Boulders, Chris for Preparing to Launch and Lester for The Frenchman.
20 went to Malcolm for Low Sun Low Tide and the winning image was Christine’s Gedling in the Mist.
Great to see such a striking image by Christine from a very nearby location. It was also great to see the wide number of photographers (8) with images being held, I’m sure Chris will be pleased.
In the Theme (Reflection) section scores of 18 went to Tom with Warehouses, Lester with Through the Window Kyoto Skygarden, Mark with Nottinghamshire County Hall by Night,
Elizabeth for Birmingham Library, Malcolm for Reflect on This, Nick for Reflecting on Skills Past, and Jack for Reflecting Globes.
19 went to Malcolm for both Smile for the Camera, and \evening Sky Reflection, Jack for Square Dance, Lester for New Street Reflection, and Elizabeth for Sketching Architecture.
20 went to Chris for Lloyds Reflection and Lois scored 20 for two images Home is Where the Heart Is and the winning image Inside Outside Upside Down.
A great image of multiple reflection in a mirrored escalator!. Again a wide number of authors (9), congratulations for Lois for scoring 2 maximums and Malcolm for having all 3 images held.