Final ‘Outlaw of the year’ competition report
Thursday evening saw the Nottingham Outlaws PS host the final internal club competition that contributed toward the Outlaw of the year trophy at the NOPS clubroom in the Richard Herrod centre. Guest judge Malcolm Sales cast his eye over the submitted images and, as quick and efficient as ever, John Young presents his report…
We held our final ‘Outlaw of the Year’ competition on Thursday 29th November. A huge thank you to Malcolm Sales for his informative commentary and judging. We had 23 images in the open section and 17 images for this month’s theme ‘All the Fun of the Fair’. In the open section There were four scores of 18 awarded to Lester Woodward for his Lloyd’s Cityscape, Mark Taylor for Swan Lake, Malcolm Nabarro for First Rays of the Sun and John Young for The Scorcerers. Nineteen was scored by Tom Cross for his Ingenuity Centre, Michael Harrison for Lathkill Dale, Lester Woodward for Ranakurpur Guard and Jack Worsnop for Snowy Sand Dunes. There were two scores of 20 awarded, firstly to Michael Harrison for his Fishing Nets and to the open section winner, Jack Worsnop for Kinderdijk Windmills at Dusk.
In the themed section eighteen was awarded to Tom Cross for Flying at Sunset, Tabby for Watching the Horses and Malcolm Nabarro for his Twister. Nineteen was awarded to John Young for All the Fun of the Fayre, Malcolm Nabarro for Red Dodgems and Mark Taylor for In a Spin. Mark Taylor earned a 20 for Waltzer Fun and the section winner with a score of 20 was Malcolm Nabarro for his Smoking Twister.
A good evening, viewing some great images, was enjoyed by all. A big thanks to Malcolm Sales for his judging and to all who entered the competition.