Nottingham Outlaws September competition report

With John Young away from the club for September’s internal print competition leaving Lester Woodward to take over the reigns, his report on the evenings proceedings follows…

Thursday evening, September 27th,  saw the Outlaws eighth competition contributing toward Outlaw of the year, leaving just one round left in the PDI and Print competitions.

The eighth competition for the Outlaw of the Year was held on 28th September. The theme for this print competition was Portraits and we were pleased to welcome back Phil Howcroft as our judge for the night. There were 20 open entries and 21 theme entries. As usual we enjoyed a wide variety of images and the theme in particular showed a very high and imaginative level of entry.

In the Open Section scores of 17 were awarded to Jack Worsnop for his “radiocative” ‘Old Corridor’, 17 was also awarded to Mark Taylor for his artistic intereptation of ‘Swan Lake’. 18 was awarded to Lester Woodward for ‘Clay Sadhu’, Lester also scored 19 for his mono vision ‘Holding The Niche’, 19 was also awarded to Malcolm Nabarro’s mono image of Valencia titled ‘Back to the Future’. 20 and top image was the wonderful landscape shot taken in Northern Norway by Jack Worsnop titled ‘Mountains and Tisnes Boat’.

In the Theme section scores of 17 went to Michael Harrison for ‘Village Elder’ and Lester Woodward for ‘Ranakpur Guard’. 18 was awarded to Malcolm Nabarros image of ‘Isaac’ and his image of ‘John listening to Gemma’. Phil had a great deal of trouble separating the top 3 images. After much thought 19’s were awarded to Lester Woodwards ‘Bedouin’ and Willaim Woolleys mono image ‘You said this would be fun’. 20 and the winning image was given to Michael Harrsion for ‘Curious’




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