Outlaws 4th DPI competition report
With the end of summer approaching, Thursday the 30th of August saw an enjoyable evening in the Nottingham Outlaws clubroom for the fourth projected image competition of the year, John Young presents his report on the proceedings…
The August round of our Outlaw of the year contest was held on 30th August. We thank Ken Wade for being our judge and giving us an excellent commentary on our images. As usual there was a wide range of images and we enjoyed an interesting evening viewing the images. Well done to all who entered. The theme, ‘Famous Film Titles’, sparked some imaginative and at times amusing images.
In the open section there were 28 entries. Three scores of 18 were awarded to Lester Woodward for ‘Dune Walkers’, Simon Goode for ‘Lapwing’ and Malcolm Nabarro for ‘Salt Marsh Sunset’. Two scores of 19 went to Andy Jackson for ‘Sunset Silhouettes’ and Jack Worsnop for ‘New York Transport Hub’. The high standard of entries provided two top scores of 20 for William Woolley with ‘Home Sweet Home’ and the winning image ‘Street Urchin’ by Michael Harrison.
In the themed section high marks were awarded to those images that depicted both the title and the mood of the film. There were four scores of 18 which went to Jack Worsnop for ‘Sword in the Stone’, Stella Newman for ‘Lion King’, William Woolley for ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and Lester Woodward for ‘Conan the Barbarian’. Two 19s were awarded to Jack Worsnop for ‘Close Encounters’ and Sue Jackson for ‘Dad’s Army’. Three images gained the top mark of 20; John Young with ‘A Few Dollars More’, Michael Harrison with ‘The Good, the Bad and The Ugly’ and the winning image ‘Seven Year Itch’ by Lester Woodward. Thanks once again to Ken for his judging and to all entrants for giving us an enjoyable evening.