July’s internal print competition report

Thursday evening saw the Outlaws sixth competition contributing toward Outlaw of the year, which featured a wealth of excellent images. Internal competition secretary John Young presents his report on the proceedings…

The sixth competition for the Outlaw of the Year was held on 26th July. The theme for this print competition was Composite Images and we were pleased to welcome back Steve Myall as our judge for the night. There were 32 open entries and 21 theme entries. As usual we enjoyed a wide variety of images and the theme in particular showed some creative and well constructed images.

In the Open Section scores of 17 were awarded to John Young for ‘Deserted’, Malcolm Nabarro for ‘Light Sculpted Mock Orange’ and Jack Worsnop for ‘Cleveland Waterfront’. Scores of 18 went to Jack Worsnop again for ’Chicago North Shore Skyline’, John Young again for ‘Black and White’, and Lester Woodward for ‘Holding the Niche’. Michael Harrison scored 19 with his excellent shot ‘The Foreman’ as did Lester for his ‘Rankapur Guard’ and Lester Woodward was the deserving winner with his portrait ‘Bedouin’. Lester had a very successful night winning both sections.

In the theme section scores of 18 went to William Woolley for ‘Passed through the Generations’, Malcolm Nabarro for ‘La Banda de Carnaval’, Lester Woodward for ‘Beren’, Lois Webb for ‘Zebra Crossing’ and George Reilly for ‘Ashes of Rose’. There were three scores of 19, Lester Woodward for ‘Niche Girl’, Mark Taylor for his atmospheric ‘Swan Lake’ and Lois Webb for ‘Hobbit’. The winning score of 20 went to Lester Woodward for ‘Lloyd’s Cityscape’. Thanks go to all who entered and gave us an evening of viewing excellent pictures and to Steve for his informative judging.


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