September 2024 Fourth Print Competition

September 2024 4th Print Competition
The fourth print competition of the year was held on Thursday 28th September at St James church Hall the home of the Nottingham Outlaws. The print competition started back in March 2024 and is run on a bi-monthly basis. Going into this leg of the print competition Lester Woodward & Lois Webb were tying for first place both on 322 points, in third place was Nigel Stewart (315pts) followed closely by Chris Holdsworth (314pts). Tonight’s penultimate competition could give one of the leading group the edge over their close rivals.
The judge for this round of the competition was Malcolm Sales, a judge who had visited the Outlaws on several previous occasions. Malcolm started off the evening complementing the Outlaws on the quality of their printing, this comment cropped up a number of times as he went through the images one by one, part of the judging process.
There were two categories for Malcolm to judge, the Open category and the Themed which in this evening was “Architecture”. In total there were 21entries in the Open and 24 in the Themed.
Theme Architecture
The themed competition had many stunning images depicting buildings, church interiors, cathedrals (home & overseas). The images were rich in both subject matter, composition & final production, so much so that Malcolm held twelve of them back for a second viewing.
Malcolm carefully worked his way through the twelve, offering comment & critique before awarding Chris Holdsworth the winning image for his work titled “Lloyds Elevators”. However, Malcolm Nabarro was also awarded twenty points for two of his images titled “Lincoln Cathedral” & “Nottingham Central Library” respectfully, great work gents.

The winning image by Chris Holdsworth, “Lloyds Elevators”

Open category
The Open competition had a wealth of variety of subject matter too, from landscapes to portraits, sporting scenes, macro photography, glamour (in an art noir style), classic portraits and seascapes. Tough work indeed for Malcolm to work his way through, but he did just that.
In all Ten images were held back for final judging and the winner was declared, Chris Holdsworth with his image titled, “Les Escaliers Roulant, Paris”.

The winning image by Chris Holdsworth, “Les Escaliers, Roulant”

The Outlaws would like to thank Malcolm for providing everyone who entered with beneficial comments. It was also appreciated how Malcolm grouped together the held back images into genres and provided comment on them both individually and comparatively.
The Winners Comments
It has been a while since I can remember one winner across both competitions on the same night, but Chris Holdsworth has successfully achieved just that. I asked Chris about his winning formulae and those winning images.
Chris enjoys architectural photography and his professional working life as an architect has definitely influenced his photography. His winning image was taken during a recent trip to London where he clearly had it in mind to photograph the Lloyds building scene as the light was drawing in at evening time. He took a number of images of the building and the placement of the exterior lift cars was paramount to the final composition. Chris obviously got it right as his image Lloyds Elevators took first place.
Chris also won the Open category with “Les Escaliers Roulant, Paris” again an image taken on a travel vacation this time to Paris. It was captured at the Louis Viton Foundation art gallery; a location Chris had specifically got in his mind to visit. The scene simply depicts a female travelling on an escalator, where she brings scale & visual impact.
Congratulations Chris, travelling with your camera in hand in Europe’s great capitals can obviously pay dividends.