NOPS KitKat Adventure 2024

September is the time of year when the Outlaws pack their camera bags, suitcases and embark on a journey to a location in the UK. We have visited many areas, from Norfolk in the east, Pembrokeshire in the west and Hastings in the south. This year we headed north to Loch Lomond and the Trossachs.
As British photographers we are used to all weathers but this year’s weekend weather proved very challenging. Whilst our home of Nottingham suffered a deluge of rain, we endured a blanket of grey cloud for the duration of the trip. It was great to be dry but any contrast for landscape photography was absent. Outlaws are made of strong stuff and were not to be defeated and worked a location to capture images all the same. Some members can claim to have seen the sun, a couple even a sunset. Typically, as we gathered for the group portrait in Balloch on the last morning the weather cleared and the sun appeared!
Every day we all headed out with hope that our empty memory cards would be filled with images, some starting very early as they had sunrises in mind, others with a full agenda of locations that needed to be visited and one or maybe even two members considering night-time shoots. But all had one thing in common and that was to see and photograph Scotland, ranging from its iconic castles, lochs and waterfalls to the stylish architecture and personalities of Glasgow.
There were plenty of opportunities for social breaks, lunches and dinners together as well as evenings where they could discuss the day’s activities over a beer, something the Outlaws looked forward to.
Some of the Outlaws tales of the trip will follow over the next few posts.