March 2024 First Print Competition

March 2024 First Print Competition
The 1st print competition of 2024 was held on Thursday 21st March at St James church Hall the home of the Nottingham Outlaws. The print competition is run on a bi-monthly basis, through to the final round which is in November of the same year and all rounds contribute to the Outlaw’s print league table.
The judge for this first round of the competition was Bob Richards who is a member of Nottingham & Notts Photographic Society. There were two categories for Bob to judge, the Open category and the Themed category which in this instance was “Transport”. In total there were 26 entries in the open and 29 in the themed.
The Open competition again attracted a wide variety of genres of photography including sport, nature, portraits (including artistic nude), landscape (including local scenes), sunsets, and several of these images were presented in black & white. The themed competition equally had interesting array of modes of transports and Bob said that there were many images worth holding back for a second look.
Theme Transport
The theme images were varied and there were numerous modes of transport on display, all prints were of a high standard. Nine images were held back for final scoring and Bob Richards awarded the win to John Young for his image titled KICKING UP DIRT.

The winning image by John Young entitled KICKING UP DIRT

John Young scored 17 with IN FOR REPAIR, Chris Houldsworth scored 17 with TRAM JAM, Ray Andrews 17 MISSED THE LAST FERRY & MINE’S THE GREEN ONE, Lester Woodward 17 with THE HAYCART, Malcolm Nabarro 17 with HEADING IN & WORKING THE INCLINE, LESTER WOODWARD 18 with THE PASSENGER, Lois Webb 18 with TRANSPORTING DAY TRIPPERS, Nigel Stewart 19 with YELLOW CABS, Chris Houldsworth 19 with TRAM 236, Lois Webb 20 points with OVERLOADED and the winner with 20 points John Young’s image titled KICKING UP DIRT.
Open category
In the open category 11 images were held back for final judging and the winner was Malcolm Nabarro with his image titled FOLLOWING LIKE

The winning image by Malcolm Nabarro titled FOLLOWING LIKE

Sally Herbert 17 with BRAVING THE RAIN AT MONTSERRAT, Tabby 17 with FRAID KNOT, Nigel Stewart 17 with JETCAR SANDSTORM, Chris Houldsworth 17 SIENA STROLL, Ray Andrews 17 TACKLING THE WINGER, Lester WOODWARD 17 with FRAMED, Lois 17 with ULTRA TRAIL RUNNER, Brian Thorley 18 with MATCHSTICK PEOPLE, Nigel Stewart 18 with IN FOR THE TACKLE, Ray Andrews 18 with LAST LIGHT AT THE GROYNE BEACON, Malcolm Nabarro 18 with SNAPE MALTINGS DAWN, Chris Houldsworth 19 with REYNISDRANGA SEA STACK, Ray Andrews 19 with LOCHAN NA H-ACHLAISE, Lester Woodward 19 with SHY NICOLE, Lois Webb 20 with SAY CHEESE and the winner was Malcolm Nabarro awarded 20 points with FOLLOWING LIKE.
The Outlaws would like to thank Bob Richards for providing everyone who entered with beneficial comments and critique and being so appreciative of the images he was judging.