April 2023 PDI Competition

The second projected Digital Image (PDI) competition of the year took place at the Outlaws den, the church hall, St James’s Church, Mapperley. The judge for the evening was Peter Jones and he was accompanied by the President of North & East Midlands Photographic Federation (N&EMPF) Sue Wilson.
There were 24 entries in the open and 22 in the themed (Birds) sections. Peter complimented the club on having so many quality images, covering a range of subjects. Which led to 7 images being held in the open section and 9 in the themed. He also mentioned that his lowest marks of 15 were higher than his usual of 12 or 13.
Peter first judged the Open competition; he was presented with a run through of all of the submitted images and he commented that this was going to be a tough task because of the high quality of the images presented. Peter then worked his way through the images making comments and critique. He held back six images for final judging, then had a second run through before announcing his final selection. The points distribution was as follows; Scores of 17 were scored by Malcolm Nabarro, Ray Andrews, Patrick Wallis, Nigel Stewart and Sue Jackson. Of those held back, Stuart Potts scored 18 for Twr Mawr Lighthouse, as did Lois Webb for Shadow personalities, Chris Houldsworth scored 19 for Office Life, as did Chris Loughran for Night Moves. There were 3 scores of 20 Malcolm Nabarro for Windy, Lester Woodward for Upstanding Canoist and Lois Webb with I am Ninety Years Old. The winner of the open section for the evening was Lois Webb with I am Ninety Years Old.

The theme for this month was Birds. Chris Houldsworth, Lester Woodward, Nigel Stewart with two and Nick Pearce all had photographs which scored 17. Of those held back Lester Woodward scored 18 with Puffin Mouthfull as did Lois Webb with Under Observation, and Steve Roper with Fruitless Flight. 19 was scored by Tabby with Feeding Time, Steve Roper with Barn Owl in Flight and Ray Andrews with Home to Roost. There were three scores of 20, Malcolm Nabarro for Displaying Peacock and Middle Eastern Great Cormorant and Chris Holdsworth for Mallard on Final Approach. The winner of the themed section being Mallard on Final Approach by Chris. Peter once again reiterated that the standard of images was very good and that he had thoroughly enjoyed the evening with the Outlaws.

A brilliant collection of entries and many thanks to everyone who entered. Our thanks go to Peter Jones for providing everyone with a good range of constructive comments.