April PDI Competition – Open and Themed

On 27th April we held our second PDI competition of the year, at St James Church Centre, and we welcomed Sue Hartley as our judge for the evening.
There were 28 entries in the open and 30 in the themed (Monochrome) sections. Sue complimented the club on having a fine mixture of images, covering a range of subjects. Which led to 10 images being held in the open section and 7 in the themed.
Scores of 17 were scored by John Young and two pictures by Sally Herbert. Lester Woodward scored 18 for Drop Shot Return, as did Lois Webb for Philanthus Triangulum (Bee Wolf) Digging, Ray Andrews for Harley, Malcolm Nabarro for Marion and Nigel Stewart for Reed Bunting Bathing in Winter Sunshine. Chris Houldsworth scored 19 for Last Climb of the Day, as did Lois Webb for Two Face Double Take and Mark Taylor for Harpa Concert Hall Reykyavik. Nigel Stewart scored 20 for Storm over Banburgh Lighthouse. The winner of the open section for the evening with 20 points was Lester Woodward with Our Boat Lady.
The theme for this month was Trees. Chris Houldsworth, Lester Woodward, Ray Andrews, Mark Taylor, Nigel Stewart and Sally Herbert all had photographs which scored 17. Brian Thorley scored 18 with Blossom in Waiting as did Chris Houldsworth with Lonely Birch, Malcolm Nabarro with Giving Way to the New and Lester Woodward with Cherry Tree Walk. 19 was scored by Tabby with Japaneese Style Tree. Malcolm Nabarro for Cypress Against the Rock and Sue Jackson for Winter Tree Reflections were both awarded 20 points and the winner of the themed section being Winter Tree Reflections by Sue.
A great collection of entries and many thanks to everyone who entered. Our thanks go to Sue Hartley for providing everyone with a good range of constructive comments.