July Open PDI Competition

On 29th July we held our sixth open PDI competition via Zoom and we welcomed Roger Evans as our judge for the evening.
There were 43 entries overall, covering a range of subjects.
Scores of 17 were scored by Patrick Wallis, Nigel Stewart, Malcolm Nabarro, Lester Woodward, Sally Herbert, Lois Webb and Sue Jackson. Lester Woodward scored 18 for Bad Times in Fairyland and Olympic rings, as did Jack Worsnop for Devil’s Club, and Malcolm Nabarro for Passing Generations. Jack Worsnop scored 19 for Kinderdijk Windmills at Dusk and Lois Webb scored 19 for Old Normal Daily Grind. Chris Houldsworth scored 19 for Flypast and was also the winner for the evening with 20 points for Waiting for the Train.
A great collection of entries and many thanks to everyone who entered. Our thanks go to Roger for for providing everyone with an entertaining range of very constructive comments.