Nottingham Outlaws 4th print competition 2017
Following this weeks competition, the fourth print and eighth monthly competition of the year so far, internal competition secretary John Young submits his usual report documenting the evening.
On Thursday 28th September we welcomed Bill Hall as judge for the Nottingham Outlaws PS monthly competition. The theme this month was ‘A Story Telling Tryptic’, one that provokes imagination and artistic flair. The evenings event attracted a healthy number of entries with the competition featuring 23 images in the themed section and 30 images in the open.
In the open section scores of 17 went to Lois Webb for ‘Castles of my Childhood’ and ‘The Flying Scotsman’. 18 went to Jack Worsnop for ‘Norwegian Farmhouse’ and Lester Woodward for ‘Just needs a pearl Earring’. 19 went to Lester for ‘Niche Girl’ and John Young for ‘Honey Spoons’. Lester was judged the winner with a score of 20 for his beautifully captured portrait ‘Lacquered Teeth Lady’ that exudes character and spirit.
In the themed section 17’s went to Jack Worsnop for ‘Supermoon Rising’ and John Young for ‘From Spun to Woven’ and the only 18 of the section was awarded to Lester Woodward for ‘A Vampire Kiss’. A pair of 19’s went to Ray Andrews for ’From Source to Consumer’ and Phil Beckwith for ‘Balloon Pop’ leaving Lois Webb the winner with her clever ‘Love Story’, composed in storyboard fashion of the evolution of an artistically produced image. Thanks, as always, go to our judge for the evening Bill Hall and all members who entered and made this an enjoyable evening.