Nottingham Outlaws 3rd DPI competition 2017

Following last weeks DPI themed and open competition in the Nottingham Outlaws clubroom, internal competition secretary John Young presents his report on the proceedings…
This month’s competition, the 3rd DPI event toward this years outlaw of the year, was held on 29th June. The open section had 31 entries and the theme this month was ‘Horns’ which attracted 26 entries. Thanks go to Steve Myall, who was the judge for the evening, for his wise and informative comments on our images. Once again we enjoyed some excellent images with varied subject and congratulations go to Steve Roper who had all of his images held back by the judge.
In the open section scores of 17 were awarded to Steve Roper for ‘Isabella Tiger Butterfly’, John Young for ‘Splash and Scrub’ and Sue Jackson for ‘Aerial Manoeuvers’. Lester Woodward’s ‘Behind You’ and Steve Roper’s ‘I Can’t Look’ both scored 18 whilst Phil Beckwith scored 19 for his ‘One Way Out’ with Tabby judged the section winner for her ’Sparkly Sea’ image. Very well done Tabby!
In the themed section scores of 17 were awarded to Steve Roper for his ‘Hornblower’, Lois Webb for ‘Cosplay Troll’ and Brian Thorley for his ‘Hornrimmed Harry’. Eighteens went to Steve Roper for ‘Sand Rhino’, Lois Webb for ‘Musical Reflection’ and Ray Andrews for his ‘Hairy Cow’. Jack Worsnop got 19 for ‘Big Horn Sheep’ and a well deserved section win went to Lester Woodward for his ‘Horned Sheep’.
– John Young