Updated competition rules & resizing guide

Following the purchase of a new club projector last year, as well as some changes to competition rules as agreed at the recent AGM, competition secretary John Young has updated both the competition rules and the guide to resizing images for the club website.
In last weeks AGM, the competition structure, rules and awards were debated among members resulting in a minor overhaul of how competitions are conducted and how members are awarded for successes in these competitions.
Among the changes to internal competitions at the club were that the members choice competition would now only accept ‘new images’ to be considered for entry, in other words photographs that have never been entered into a Nottingham Outlaws competition previously, in an aim to promote fresh images and ideas into club competitions and provide a display of images that step away from the ‘same old’ offerings of previous years. Once used in the members choice competition, images entered in the competition can then be used for a further 3 entries to monthly competitions as the Members Choice competition is excluded from rule 6 which limits a photograph to three entries.
Another change made to how competitions operate within the club is that, rather than placing the winner of the open and themed competitions in a head-to-head to find an overall winner, the highest judged image of each section is now awarded as the category champion for that evenings competition. This was voted unanimously at the AGM as it was considered unfair to create an overall winner between a category with no restrictions and one with a narrow threshold of accepting conditions, it was also deemed that it was difficult for a judge to score such a face off when an image marked for meeting the theme as well as technical merit is put against one that faces no restriction and is marked on technical merit alone. Club president Steve Roper provided members with an excellent insight of where the ‘head-to-head’ originated, when the club competitions had a very different structure and it was an appropriate scoring method, which enabled members to make a far more informed decision when it came to deciding to abolish the themed and open standoff.
The full official club competition rules can be found within the members section of the website here.
Finally the competition secretary has revised his very useful guide to resizing images for the clubs PDI competitions that now caters for adjusting image sizes to meet the criteria of the new club projector which boasts a higher resolution than previously and displays your hard work in a quality that it deserves, once again this guide can be found in the members area here.
Enjoy your photography and good luck in the forthcoming competitions!
– Phil Hodgkinson,
Media Secretary