Sileby v NOPS inter-club competition report

Following the inter-club competition against Sileby Photographic Society, competition secretary John Young presents his report on the evening.
After much deliberation over selection, Chris Houldsworth and Ray Andrews accompanied me on a visit to Sileby.
Hazel Manning ARPS, the judge commented on the high standard of all entries and gave critiques. Members enjoyed seeing 15 prints and 15 digital projected images from each club. It was interesting to see a wide variety of image styles including some really excellent nature photography by Sileby’s Gianpiero Ferrari & NOPS’ John Purchase, as well as two architectural shots by John and Chris that all got top marks.
In the DPI image section 5 Sileby and 4 NOPS were held back, with scores of 20 being awarded to: –
CRYING ON THE INSIDE by Lester Woodward &
WARMING UP by John Purchase,
the final score for digis was 251 to NOPS and 256 to Sileby, who also had two twenties.
For printed images Sileby scored 254 and NOPS got 252. In this section Sileby had 5 held prints and NOPS had 4, Sileby failed to gain any twenties and NOPS were awarded three;
BEFORE THE DAWN by Lois Webb, (Which the judge remarked could be an IKEA print),
TUBEWAYS by John Purchase, and
KINGS CROSS by Chris Houldsworth.
Congratulations to Sileby on a well deserved win with a total of 510 points to our 503. We look forward to doing battle with them in the future.