NOPS 1st DPI competition report
Following the Nottingham Outlaws first competition of 2016, which was an open and ‘a story in a picture’ themed DPI event, competition secretary John Young presents his report.
Thursday February 25th saw the Nottingham Outlaws host the first competition report for the 2016 Outlaw of the Year Awards. I have been slightly delayed in writing this report due to going to Worcester to visit the RPS Print exhibition, an interesting and very varied set of photographs. They ranged from the ‘An Imagined State in which Everything is Perfect’ by Lukasz Kubicki which, quite frankly, I completely failed to understand to the beautiful ‘Standing Tall’ by Johan Peijnenburg. Go to the RPS website and click on ‘view full gallery’ to see the images from the exhibition. If you can understand Lukasz Kubicki’s image please explain it to me.
Meanwhile, back to the clubhouse and our own First Projected Competition. We had an entry of 30 Open images and 31 images for the Theme ‘A Story in a Picture’. All the images are in the club Drop Box under NOPS Member Share. We were pleased to welcome Phil Howcroft, a new judge who gave us an excellent commentary on our images. We are always in debt to judges who are willing to give up their time and expertise to enable our competitions. It was good see entries from new members. The Open Section and overall winner was ‘Gossamer Eyes’ by Lester Woodward whilst Lois Webb gained two 19’s and Tom Cross, John Purchase, Chris Houldsworth, Phil Beckwith and Steve Roper all scored an 18. The themed section brought Lois Webb two images with a score of 20, ‘The Deal’ and ‘The Last Journey Home’ which was the section winner. John Purchase gained a 19 and Steve Roper an 18. This was another evening of excellent images from our members which gave great viewing to everyone present. We look forward to seeing your entry in the next competition.