Success for Nottingham Outlaws member in acceptance to the Bristol Salon of Photography 2016.
Having entered the Bristol Salon of Photography previously in 2014 with moderate success, Nottingham Outlaws member and the club’s general secretary Lois Webb made the decision to enter once again this year and has achieved 100% acceptance on this occasion, although this time it was with the one image.
Lois, pleased with the recognition received for her image, said “I am very happy that my photograph was deemed worthy of being included. The plucky little Chinese dog has done it again in Grandad, are we ready yet“. This is certainly well received news at the club to hear of the image, which has done really well at club competition level, go on to be accepted at this level
The Bristol International Salon of Photography has been a leading international exhibition of photography since 1946. It is an exhibition of digital images open to amateur and professional photographers from all over the world and encompasses all styles of photography from the traditional to the avante garde.The Bristol Salon has received recognition from FIAP, PSA, RPS and GPU.
We always enjoy receiving news such as this at the club and, on a personal level, I find it a very inspirational news piece that drives me forward in my photography and makes me strive to reach the next level with my images.
Congratulations Lois!
-Phil Hodgkinson, Media Secretary