NOPS & Rangiora inter club competition

May the 14th saw the first leg of the inter club competition between ourselves and Rangiora PS from New Zealand.
Thank you to Peter Cheetham for his judging and informative comments on all the images. There were some excellent images from Rangiora. There were 15 open section images per club and 10 each in the ‘Our Land and Culture’ themed section. This was an opportunity for us to see some photographs of magnificent views of New Zealand. The final scores showed a margin in our favour of just 0.8 between the overall average score per image. The total score for all 25 images per club was 355 to Rangiora and 375 to NOPS. The second leg will be held in New Zealand and with just 0.8 of a mark per image the final result could go either way.
Below are a selection of images from the competition.