What Digital Camera Magazine Interview for John….

John Purchase, one of our members. has been head hunted for his opinion on the Olympus OM-D E-M5 camera by What Digital Camera Magazine.
The article, published in the May 2015 addiotion of the magazine, (out now) along with a number of John’s images, provides us with a short insight to john and his passion for marcro and wildlife.
Whilst John is a staunch enthusiast for macro, he’s also recently delved in to the world of landscape, using his big stopper filter with some, I feel, impressive results.
If you’re interested in macro, wildlife, or now added to his skill set, landscape photography, John, I’m certain will be very happy to talk to you on these subjects.
If your looking to move from your current camera and are considering a micro 4/3rds type, finding out some of the pros and cons, here’s a great place to start.
Enjoy a copy of the article!!
Well done John.
– George Reilly 06/05/15