Second projected image competition report

The second projected competition took place on April 30th. The judge, Roy Maddison, gave some helpful and informative comments on all of the images and he congratulated participants, saying that there were some interesting photographs.
There were 26 entries in the open section and 20 images in the ‘composite image’ themed section which brought forth some very well thought out images. In the open section 6 images scored above 17 and 5 images scored more than 17 in the themed. Steve Roper won the themed section with a clever image entitled ‘Monopolised’ whilst Paul McKinley won the open section plus took the prize for the best photograph of the evening with his night shot entitled ‘Brighton Lights’. Lester Woodward, Sue Jackson and Michal Tekal scored a 19 in the open section and Lois Webb equalled the winning score of 20 for her ‘Worldly Weathered’ portrait.
In the themed section Bob Richards and Lois Webb scored a 19 and Bob Richards second entry equalled the winning score of 20 with the clever ‘Polaroid Polly’ as did George Reilly with his ingenious and well executed ‘Ashes of Rose’
30 April
John Young
Edited 3/5/15 – Phil