QMC Exhibition 2014

Just back from the hanging of our selling exhibition at the League of friends Gallery at the QMC. Despite the horrendous traffic to get to the car park, the prints got delivered to site, Tom’s route from the University showed great insider local knowledge.
Had a few issues with the hanging as the prints really needed to be strung, rather than the single metal clip you get on some frames. Still, armed with a bit of extra wire the problem was quickly solved.
The 3 ladies, Estner, Rita and Margaret sorted out the hanging and started banging nails in the wall, Tom assisted and I ran around numbering the prints, so we could cross reference to the all important price list.
So all went reasonably well, only took a couple of hours, the threading of the security cable was the most time consuming.
If you have time, go along and visit the exhibition, better still take some cash with you and support the League of Friends.
The exhibition runs from Wed 1st October to Wed 15th October 2014.
League of Friends Gallery, D floor, West block, QMC.
Quick update on the exhibition,
the League of Friends seemed very happy when Nottingham Outlaws handed over £60 proceeds of the sale. A great result for both groups, we managed to sell £300 worth of prints.
People obviously like what we are producing, not an easy feat when you look at what’s out there, so a big well done and pat on the back to all those that exhibited.
At the exhibition we manage to sell 10 of our prints, 2 each for Lester, Michal and Tom and 4 for Ben.
We are there again in 2 years time (the next available date) and then hopefully every year thereafter (our sales must be good), so it should be easier for us to remember when we are exhibiting when its every year. Remember to string your prints so they are easy to hang, don’t rely on the little clips the frames sometimes come with.
For any visitors out there, if there is a print you really wanted but didn’t manage to get Do get in touch as it may be still available or a re-print may be possible. Contact Programme@nops.org