NOPS Members accepted for the Basingstoke Exhibition (BPE Crown Award Scheme)

Well NOPS members have got off to a great start again this year with yet another couple of members being selected for the Basingstoke Exhibition.
The BPE Crown award scheme allows entrants, who have been successful, to accrue points for the images accepted in to a number of exhibitions held during the year at various locations throughout the country.
When you reach the total of 25 points, you can make application to the BPE adjudicators and if accepted, are awarded with the letters BPE1*, which can be placed after your name. These can then be added to by accruing additional point etc. It is a life long achievement and does not need to be retaken at any time.
Full details can be found on the attached link.
I am pleased to say that both myself, and Mitch Tuffil have managed to get three images accepted between us so we are both well on our way.
If I get enough accreditation, I might just give up the day job.
Mitch Tuffil had his photograph of “Max” accepted and I had “Dust Bath” and “Hand Made” accepted.
Well done to both of us. Long may the run of success continue!
We all know that there are, in our small society, a good number of very good photographers.
Why not have a go and report back on your success. You have already done the work by taking the picture, post processing it and now it’s sitting in your storage device.
What have YOU got to loose?
Let’s get them out there and be seen.
George Reilly