Meet the OUTLAW – Rick Martindale

Age: 40+
Years into photography: 10+
I have always taken photos as far back as I can recall, but always with point and shoot film cameras (of the 110 and 35mm variety). I didn’t really take photography seriously until I bought a decent point and shoot digital camera which had manual controls.
A friend then introduced me to where I met a vast number of enthusiastic photographers. I then began to learn more about photography from those enthusiasts and within a year of having my new camera I began to lust after a DSLR. My hunger for knowledge grew and I found myself learning something new almost every day.
I use the Canon EOS system, but I started on my digital journey with an Olympus bridge camera. My first DSLR was the 350D (which I still have) but currently shoot with the 5D MkII. I use mostly Sigma lenses due to cost constraints, but I am hoping to increase my Canon lens stock in the near future.
It was when I purchased my first DSLR that I was introduced to the Nottingham Outlaws, and I have not looked back since. I find collaborative or social photography very stimulating and enjoy camera club outings and also have attended meetings with flickr. Having previously been a committee member, I have a vested interest in the club’s progression and development, and enjoy seeing the club get more acclaim through competition and exhibition wins.
I love to shoot landscapes, but just about anything is fair game for me. Although I love landscape photography, due to various issues, I have leaned more towards studio photography of late and have developed my studio lighting technique to a reasonably high standard, but continue to learn. I look back on those days where I hated people in my photos and laugh to myself a little, because most of my photos at the moment have people in them, or the people are actually the subject of my photography. I hope to get back into landscaping in the not too distant future and I would also like to explore natural history a little more than I have in the past.
I shoot mostly digital with occasional foray into 35mm and medium format film. I do use photoshop for my more creative productions (see tribute to M.C. Escher), but generally stick to basic RAW conversions using Lightroom, this involves dust spot removal, contrast, sharpness and some level/curve work.
My favourite piece of kit at the moment has to be my Sigma 85mm f/1.4 lens, it’s just awesomely sharp and is exactly the right focal length for portraits on a full frame body. I have more tripods than I really know what to do with, but my favourite is the Manfrotto 190XProB, and I have a Manfrotto Modo for travel, which is a good compromise of size, weight, versatility and function.
Links to my work