Meet the OUTLAW – Chris Newham

Age 45+
Years into photography 6+
I dabbled with photography as a child with a Kodak brownie camera, nothing serious just some snaps but later with the advent of digital I got into photography seriously with a Sony compact camera but wasn’t getting the results I wanted.
So I joined Nottingham Outlaws and my shots started getting better & better through talking with and learning from club members and with the increased focus that club membership gives my photography.
I like Landscapes, Natural history and motor sport best, I’m not naturally an early riser but when I have made the effort to get up at 2am and climb to the top of a hill or get on a beach for sunrise I have never been disappointed. My favourite locations are hilltops or coastal, I don’t do ‘People’ pictures.
I make as much time as I can between family, work, and other commitments to take pictures and enjoy family holidays and club trips for this reason. Club trips where shooting will start before dawn and not finish until gone midnight are especially enjoyable as you are with like minded people so you can eat, sleep and talk all things photography all the time without fear of boring your audience.
I use a Nikon D800 and I mainly use a 14-24 wide angle or a 24-70F2.8, I also always have my Sony NEX7 compact camera which is superb in my pocket so I never miss an opportunity to get a shot.
I always shoot RAW and use Lightroom to process images, and on competition shots I will use the Nik suite of plug in’s to bring out the very best in the shot. Lack of time is my problem, I take many shots but don’t process many so when I do finish a great shot I like to print it to A3+ size using a Canon 9500 Mk2 printer and display it on the walls of my home.
Check out my photo’s on flickr
Best of 2013 : here