More success for the Outlaws
The Robin Hood National Projected Digital Exhibition
The above exhibition has both BPE (British Photographic Exhibition) and PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) accreditation. Acceptances count towards your BPE star rating awards.
All UK based photographers are invited to enter and below are some statistics;
Number of entrants ; 333
Entries (Total) ; 3323
There are 5 sections; Creative (404 entries), Landscape (518 entries), Mono (817 entries), Nature (625 entries) and Open (959 entries), some serious numbers there and surprisingly almost as many Mono as Open!
The Outlaws had 13 acceptances the lions share between Scott Wilson and Chris Newham who had 5 acceptances each, Ian Pinn had 2 and Lester Woodward had 1 acceptance, so another great result for the Outlaws in this prestigious exhibition.
Chris had a Highly Commended with “Moon, Snow and the Mountain”, Scott won a PAGB GOLD MEDAL for his evocative Seascape “Chasing the Dragon”. It really makes those early starts worthwhile!
PAGB GOLD MEDAL : Chasing Dragon by Scott Wilson
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Moon,Snow and the Mountain by Chris Newham
When you look at the acceptance statistics you can then appreciate just getting one image accepted is an achievement
Class | Entered | Accepted | Per cent | Acc. mark | Awards |
Creative |
404 |
78 |
19% |
11 |
12 |
Landscape |
518 |
91 |
18% |
12 |
15 |
Mono |
817 |
133 |
16% |
12 |
8 |
Nature |
625 |
95 |
15% |
12 |
13 |
Open |
959 |
192 |
20% |
12 |
14 |
Well done to all, lets see a few more Outlaws entering next year.
Ian Pinn
NOPS Chairman 2013