Faaaaabulous! – 2nd Print Competition
NOPS 2nd print competition took place on May 30, with 33 images in the open section and 28 in the themed section, the theme being music.
It was good to see the thought and effort that had gone into the images in the themed section, a lot of work taken specifically for the competition.
The judge for the night was Bob Richards; this was one of the first competitions he has judged since being put on the NEMPF supplementary list of judges just a few months ago.
The images Bob had to judge were of a high standard and he did a very good job with a nice cross section of images pulled out for a second viewing before giving them a score.
Faaaaabulous was the word of the night from Bob, along with some clicking noises, can’t all be perfect I guess.
A good result for Ian Pinn with his image from the open section “On the Edge”, this scored 20 and was given overall competition winner, Sue Hartley’s image from the open section “Looking out” also score 20.
Sue’s image from the music themed section “Play it again Sam” scored 20 and won that section.
Well done to all those who had images pulled out for a second viewing, with a special mention going to Michael Rodger, who in his first ever competition had an image pulled and scored a 17.